How do you make an Aquarius jealous?

Here's how to make an Aquarius man obsessed with you:

  • Play hard to get. Aquarius men love the chase and will find you more appealing if you play hard to get. ...
  • Don't be the jealous type. ...
  • Surprise him. ...
  • Be mysterious. ...
  • Be independent.
  • How do you know if an Aquarius is jealous?

    5 Signs of Aquarian Male Jealousy

  • He distances himself from you. When Aquarians feel uncomfortable emotions (like jealousy), they distance themselves from the situation. ...
  • His energy feels weird or discordant. ...
  • He won't talk things through. ...
  • He exaggeratedly flirts with others. ...
  • He gets possessive.
  • How do you make an Aquarius miss you?

    An Aquarius thrives on space.

    If you're always talking to him or always around, you don't give the freedom-loving Aquarian time to really miss you. Give him some distance so he can crave being close to you again. Avoid calling a lot or sending a lot of texts.

    How do you make an Aquarius obsess over you?

    How to Make an Aquarius Man Addicted to You

  • 1 Pursue your own hobbies and goals.
  • 2 Refuse to see anyone as a rival.
  • 3 Take him on adventures.
  • 4 Dive into deep topics.
  • 5 Be a great listener.
  • 6 Talk about his career goals.
  • 7 Share the ideals and standards you both hold yourselves to.
  • 8 Support good habits and his health.
  • How do you get an Aquarius man to chase you?

    How to Get an Aquarius Man to Chase You

  • 1 Show him your originality.
  • 2 Wear colorful clothes to draw his eye.
  • 3 Be a little mysterious.
  • 4 Give him a challenge.
  • 5 Have fun and be spontaneous.
  • 6 Build up your friendship.
  • 7 Show him your intellectual side.
  • 8 Support his dreams and aspirations.
  • How to Make an Aquarius Man Jealous [ 4 Ultimate Ways - 2022]

    Should I play hard to get with an Aquarius man?

    Aquarius is one of those people who play hard to get because he's always hot and cold. First, he's into you, next he's feeling smothered — it's a back and forth kind of thing that never seems to stop with him! He could even be in a serious, long-term relationship and feel like he's being suffocated by his partner.

    How do Aquarius act when they have a crush?

    When an Aquarius has a crush they'll stare at you rather frequently. They're trying to observe you and see what makes you special. They're also trying to make it possible for the two of you to share a moment with your eyes. You'll catch them staring at you at the most random moments.

    How do you know if an Aquarius secretly likes you?

    Frequently opportunity whenever wanting to accomplish that they communicate the alternative. However, a very important factor they don't should fake is actually genuine care for the one they love. If he is extraordinarily wonderful to you personally, that may be a sign their Aquarius guy is interested inside you.

    What does an Aquarius man find attractive in a woman?

    They are attracted to women who are intelligent, witty, and insightful. They want someone who has an insatiable thirst for knowledge. What an Aquarius man needs in a woman is someone with who he can have deep and meaningful conversations. He wants someone who he can talk to about things that are out of this world.

    How do you talk dirty to an Aquarius man?

    Aquarians will dirty talk to whoever, but they tend to be a little detached in every area of life. They're always observing the experience as if from somewhere outside of it, so the best way to get them to fully engage in dirty talk is to offer them something they don't understand.

    How do you get an Aquarius to stop ignoring you?

    Instead, do these following tips about what to do when An Aquarius ignores your texts or calls:

  • Don't text him again. ...
  • Be patient. ...
  • Do something else. ...
  • Throw away your phone. ...
  • Don't try to control or push an Aquarius to do something. ...
  • Mind your own business. ...
  • Watch his words and actions next. ...
  • Don't be needy or desperate.
  • What happens if you ignore an Aquarius?

    His heart will break.

    Aquarius may be hurt by the silence. Air signs love to share ideas, so not being in contact with you can make him feel emotionally disconnected.

    What do you text an Aquarius?

    Flirting over text with an Aquarius is easier than with most other signs. After all, Aquarians like mental stimulation more than anything, and physical presence isn't necessary to keep their attention. Try impressing them with a flirty joke, or throw in a winky-face after a clever response to one of their texts.

    Will Aquarius try to make you jealous?

    Aquarius the male is considered controlling and may become children. These two characteristics can in such a way lead to jealousy and possessiveness. While you do not have cause as a result to consider, but Aquarius males will reveal signs of jealousy and possessiveness in love and interactions.

    How do you know when an Aquarius is done with you?

    What Happens When an Aquarius Woman Is Done with You? 13 Signs to Look Out For

  • 1 She needs more space than usual.
  • 2 She's less affectionate than she used to be.
  • 3 She seems bored or uninspired.
  • 4 She's reluctant to make future plans.
  • 5 She's giving you mixed signals.
  • 6 She picks fights with you.
  • Why do Aquarius ignore people?

    If Aquarius is ignoring you, they are probably filling their time with other focuses. This does not mean that you are not a priority to them, but other things and people are important in their lives as well. If Aquarius is taking space from you, they probably need to.

    How can I impress an Aquarius Man?

    What an Aquarius Man Wants

  • Be mysterious around him. ...
  • Be classy and knowledgeable. ...
  • Be a friend to him and don't put pressure on. ...
  • Don't be too emotional with him. ...
  • Keep him guessing as much as possible. ...
  • Be independent. ...
  • Be creative and witty. ...
  • You need to stand out.
  • How do you know if an Aquarius Man is serious?

    If your Aquarius man has been showing these signs, he probably is in love with you.

    • He likes talking to you. ...
    • He shares his dreams and plans with you. ...
    • He engages you in deep and meaningful conversations. ...
    • He gives you all his attention. ...
    • He has eyes only for you. ...
    • He involves you in his life. ...
    • He gives importance to your opinion.

    How do you know if an Aquarius man is jealous?

    Signs That an Aquarius Man is Jealous

  • He Will Confront You. When an Aquarius man is feeling jealous, he would likely discuss it with you in a calm manner. ...
  • His Energy is Off. ...
  • He Becomes Controlling. ...
  • He Becomes Distant. ...
  • He Openly Flirts with Other Girls.
  • What is Aquarius love language?

    Aquarius love language: Activism (Acts of Service)

    And the key to your heart is not just making a big donation or showing up to a huge protest, it's doing little things every single day that make a difference. Your love language is activism and you're ready to join your lover in changing the world.

    What would make an Aquarius cry?

    AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

    For all their peace, love, and happiness, Aquarius sure has a penchant to crying. A lot. Whether it's because something is so beautiful, too moving, or just plain ol' heartbreaking, Aquarius can easily cry over anything and everything.

    Do Aquarius lose interest quickly?

    According to astrologers, there are five zodiac signs that lose interest and fall out of love quicker than the rest. As astrologer, Suzie Kerr Wright, tells Bustle, air signs are more likely to lose interest the fastest. Those include Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.

    How do you turn on an Aquarius?

    How to Turn on an Aquarius Woman

  • Strike up a flirty conversation.
  • Laugh with her.
  • Be open to experimentation.
  • Set the mood with music and incense.
  • Talk about your fantasies openly.
  • Try dirty talk if you're comfortable.
  • Switch up your roles.
  • Focus on her calves and ankles.
  • How do you know if an Aquarius man likes you more than a friend?

    If he is showing extreme fascination whenever you are in his presence, then that is a sure sign that he likes you more than a friend. He will focus on how nice your hair smells or your hairstyle. This may seem somewhat creepy, but the Aquarius man isn't being creepy.

    How do you win the heart of an Aquarius man?

    12 Tips To Help Any Zodiac Sign Win The Heart Of An Aquarius

  • Be authentically you. ...
  • Be a friend first. ...
  • Be a humanitarian and an activist. ...
  • Be prepared to debate. ...
  • Be as honest as possible. ...
  • Share intellectual knowledge with them. ...
  • Acknowledge how much work they do for their community.
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